Bachelor Data Science

Data Science Students + Spike

Consultation hours of the International Office

The KU International Office is available to answer many general questions. Here you will find competent advice on topics such as housing, health insurance, visas, finances, scholarships, career advice, etc.

The International Office offers open Zoom consultation hours to provide concrete assistance in these areas. The next dates are:


Hackerspace at Georgianum

We, the MIDS Team are very impressed by the Hackathon initiatives of our Data Science students.
To support this endeavor and other topics involving…

[Translate to Englisch:] Advent of Code

Advent of Code Challenge

Prof. Voigtlaender from MIDS has organized a special programming competition for KU Data Science students during Advent 2024. This is based on “Advent…

[Translate to Englisch:] Pirmin Fontaine

Award for MIDS Professor

The magazine “Wirtschaftswoche” has recognized the most research-intensive business economists in 2024. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Thomas…

The study program

The new Data Science program teaches the fundamentals of machine learning and other current methods for data analysis, as well as the ability to efficiently implement these methods using modern software technologies.

The necessary knowledge from the fields of study mathematics, statistics, computer science and data science is taught.

As the program progresses, you can select one of six specializations to specifically study the application area that fits your career goals.

Studienverlaufsplan Data Science
Possible specializations and their study plans

Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

"Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing" provides students with a deeper insight into the mathematical foundations of Data Science. The focus of the specialization is on mathematical model building on the one hand, and on the other hand the transition from continuous to discrete and thus practically implementable models.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered (mainly in English). You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Differential Equations (5 ECTS)
  • Intro. Scientific Computing (5 ECTS, German)
  • Models of Weather and Climate (5 ECTS)
  • Intro. Data Assimilation (5 ECTS)

For further (possibly German-language) modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Example of a study plan for this specialization:

Applied Math and Scientific Computing

Business Analytics and Operations

"Business Analytics and Operations" builds the bridge to economics. In addition to basic knowledge of business administration, e.g. accounting, the focus of this specialization is on data-driven of this specialization is on data-driven approaches to business, organizational and technical problems.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered (mainly in English). You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Business Analytics & Data Mining (5 ECTS)
  • Service & Technology Marketing (5 ECTS)
  • Digital Project (10 ECTS)

For further (possibly German-language) modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Example of a study plan for this specialization:

Business Analytics and Operations

Digital Transformation of Society

"Digital Transformation of Society" considers applications of Data Science in the social and human sciences. In addition to basic knowledge, students gain insights into the role of empirical methods, e.g. in sociology and journalism. Substantive knowledge of Data Science methods coupled with insights into the social sciences and humanities will enable students to critically engage with the ongoing digital transformation of society.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered (mainly in German). You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Forschungspraktikum empirische Soziologie II (10 ECTS)
  • Empirische Kommunikationsforschung II (5 ECTS)

For further modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Digital Transformation of Society

Environmental Sciences

"Environmental Sciences" provides students with an insight into data-based environmental and earth sciences. A central aspect is the fitting of models for dynamic (time-varying) processes such as weather and climate to measured data, which are often only available inaccurately and incompletely.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered. You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Geoinformatics (5 ECTS)
  • Models of Weather and Climate (5 ECTS)
  • Intro. Data Assimilation (5 ECTS)

For further modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Environmental Science

Finance and Economics

„Finance and Economics“ sheds light on macroeconomic relationships, global markets, and financial instruments. These areas are heavily influenced by data-based methods. The specialization expands the students' methodological competence with knowledge of area-specific model building and subject systematics.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered (mainly in English). You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Sustainable Development (5 ECTS)
  • Corporate Governance (5 ECTS)
  • Behavioral Finance (5 ECTS)

For further (possibly German-language) modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Example of a study plan for this specialization:

Finance and Economics

Machine Learning and Statistics

"Machine Learning and Statistics" allows students to deepen their understanding of statistical methods and introduces advanced and research aspects of statistical and machine learning techniques.

In the summer semester 2025, the following courses, among others, will be offered (mainly in English). You can choose these as a module for this specialization. Our recommendations for the fourth semester are highlighted in bold in the list:

  • Probability theory (5 ECTS)

  • Data Assimilation (5 ECTS)

  • Models of Weather and Climate (5 ECTS)

For further (possibly German-language) modules that are approved for this specialization, please refer to themodule catalog of the specializations

Example of a study plan for this specialization:

Machine Learning and Statistics

Key documents

Documents about the course of studies

Module catalogue

All module descriptions can be accessed directly via KU.Campus. Please choose the navigation points "Information portal --> Degree programs". Enter your degree program and the relevant semester in the search mask. In the list of results, the module handbook will appear in the upper right-hand corner for downloading as a pdf or Word file.

The module descriptions published in KU.Campus are legally binding

Degree program description

Degree program description for the Bachelor's degree program in Data Science


Study plan for the Bachelor's degree program Data Science

Dates, information and forms from the Examinations Office


Please always fill out forms using a computer if possible.


Registration for the Bachelor’s thesis

Registration form (German)

Registration form (English)


Further information

For further information and forms regarding modularized studies, withdrawal from an examination or other examination matters, please refer to the website of the Examination Office.

For accessing the FAQ list of the Examinations Office, please click here


Dates for examination registration and entry of grades

You can find the schedule for examination registration and entry of grades here.The information on examination withdrawal for the respective types of examinations (in-semester examinations/end-of-semester examinations) can be found in the time schedules under the respective registration deadlines.


Study materials


Testimonials from our students
Portrait Jan Stüwe

I like the international atmosphere of the program, which brings together students from all over the world. No one has to worry that they won't be able to keep up with the English courses. On the contrary, the common language makes it easier to communicate, and you improve your language skills along the way.

I like the international atmosphere of the program, which brings together students from all over the world. No one has to worry that they won't be able to keep up with the English courses. On the contrary, the common language makes it easier to communicate, and you improve your language skills along the way.

- Jan Stüwe (Student Council Data Science)

"The Data Science program inspires us to think exploratorily, confidently build logical chains and solve non-trivial problems. Professors are sincerely interested in ensuring that each student is interested and able to master complex material, regardless of the level of knowledge already gained. Already after two…

"The Data Science program inspires us to think exploratorily, confidently build logical chains and solve non-trivial problems. Professors are sincerely interested in ensuring that each student is interested and able to master complex material, regardless of the level of knowledge already gained. Already after two semesters in this progressive program, I can confidently say that I have accumulated tons of skills essential to be a true Data Science professional."

- Alena Semkiv

"I really like that the professors in the DS program are genuinely passionate about teaching and enjoy helping students understand concepts. They are easily accessible, providing valuable guidance and support through various means such as Zoom, Email, or personal appointments. As a recent school graduate, their…

"I really like that the professors in the DS program are genuinely passionate about teaching and enjoy helping students understand concepts. They are easily accessible, providing valuable guidance and support through various means such as Zoom, Email, or personal appointments. As a recent school graduate, their assistance has greatly enhanced my learning experience. The Data science program by itself is well structured with subjects well distributed across semesters so as to allow students for deeper understanding of topics."

- Aditi Bhushan

"I like that the order of the content is carefully designed, not only within a single course, but also in the interconnection parts among different courses. Although the mathematics courses can be demanding, they aid in understanding the content of the specialist courses. I also like the passions from Professors. They…

"I like that the order of the content is carefully designed, not only within a single course, but also in the interconnection parts among different courses. Although the mathematics courses can be demanding, they aid in understanding the content of the specialist courses. I also like the passions from Professors. They are eager to help us, encourage us to try new technologies, rather than merely showing up and presenting outdated slides."

- Shizhen Li

Frequently Asked Questions from prospective students and applicants

... about the Data Science Program

  • Is the Data Science program located in Eichstätt or in Ingolstadt?

The program is located in Ingolstadt, i.e. all Data Science courses will be offered in Ingolstadt. Our home is the newly renovated Georgianum.

  • When should I arrive?

You should try to arrive at the beginning of October so that you have some time to settle in and can take part in the preliminary course.  The regular lectures at the KU typically start in mid-October.

  • I am a student from outside the EU, what if I get my Visa a bit late?

We are aware that international students sometimes have to wait months for a Visa. For this reason, we issue admissions as quickly as possible and grant a very late deadline for enrollment so that applicants have the best possible chance of obtaining a Visa. The final enrollment deadline (according to the admission letter) is usually only a few days before the start of lectures. All required documents including Visa must be submitted by mail to the Student Office by this deadline.

  • How much self-study is an average student who is studying in this course expected to do daily?

As at all universities, there will be a significant part of self-study. Exemplarily, in the course ‘Linear Algebra’ you have about 6 contact hrs and 5hrs of self study per week. The overall effort is comparable to other German universities. Studying Data Science at KU is a full time job.

  • Should I revise any mathematics topics from home such as calculus or probability or will the faculties teach us all topics from scratch in a way that there is no need for any prerequisites?

Our beginner courses are all self-contained. Usually the toughest part for some is the formal math, such as ‘Linear Algebra’ and ‘Analysis’. A good level of prior knowledge is helpful for the beginning. For example, you can look up what a vector space is and learn a little about matrices. However, a preliminary course is also offered before the start of the semester, in which some mathematical basics are covered. The math courses during the semester are structured in such a way that all topics are covered from the ground up and can be followed without much prior knowledge.

  • Do people normally finish this degree course in the given time span of three years or does it take more time than that? 

This is a new study program.  We expect people to finish in three years, the program is very streamlined towards that. 

  • What is the schedule during a week?

Via the link


you will find the current schedules for the different semesters under ‘Documents’.

  • Could you please provide me with access to the module handbook or guide me to the appropriate resource?

You can find such a course catalog on


under 'Study materials'. The English version of the exam regulations can be found there under 'key documents'.

  • Does the University provide free German lessons for its enrolled students?

We will support at least going to the mandatory A2 level, as this level must be proven after one year. The university regularly offers free German lessons at least up to this level. These are typically scheduled to fit in with your regular timetable, e.g. Monday morning.

  • Is it possible to study data science online or hybrid at the KU?

The program is designed as an in-person study. However, you will usually be provided with online teaching materials and for some courses even with video recordings. This means that you can also learn the course content on your own, although we highly recommend that you actively participate in the courses. However, examinations must always be taken in person.

  • When do I have to choose one of the focus area offered? And is it possible to change it afterwards?

At the end of the second semester, you should decide on a specialization (so-called focus area) and choose your courses accordingly from the third semester onwards. However, a change of specialization is possible at any time.

  • Is it possible to spend a semester abroad and when should I do it?

We are happy to support you in spending a semester abroad. If you are interested, we recommend this in the fifth semester. For more information please see


... about English as language of instruction

The lectures and exams are provided in English. However, all professors are able to speak German as well, such that you can adress them likewise in German. On request, we also offer exams in German. As science and industry become more and more international, communication in English is nowadays a necessary skill. The KU also offers courses to improve (English) language skills. Further information is available here:


Please fell free to watch the following videos to get an impression that for understanding the basic lectures in data science you really do not need to have sophisticated language skills:

Some courses (such as Linear Algebra and Analysis) can also be substituted by German-language courses in Eichstätt.

... about KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

  • Is this university a private university or a public university? Are the degrees provided here equally valid in other countries?

The university is funded 85% by the state of Bavaria, all degree programs follow the same rules as at any other Bavarian university. It is considered a private university, but the degrees are the same as at another German university and are also equally valid in other countries. The Data Science degree program is internationally accredited. Furthermore, studying at the KU has no tuition costs.

  • What will be the chronological order of things that will happen once I arrive in Ingolstadt? Kindly guide me for the same and tell me if there is any buddy program in the University.

Before traveling to Ingolstadt, please ensure that you start looking for accommodation in Ingolstadt (or surrounding area) in due time. The KU International Office international@ku.de / welcome@ku.de is happy to help. Please contact the KU International Office if you require more practical information. We have a student union (Fachschaft) which will help you getting settled. Moreover, we offer a preliminary course before the regular lectures begin, where students can get to know each other.

  • Does KU provide accommodation to its students and if yes then how can I apply for one?

The International Office international(at)ku.de helps to find an accommodation and offers a housing service, see


However, we recommend that you look for accommodation as early as possible.

  • Does the University have a swimming pool and a gym and are they free to use?

There are many different sports that you can get involved in at the KU, see


Most sports courses are held Eichstätt and the gym is also located there. However, there are special offers for students on the public market in Ingolstadt. Generally, swimming pools and gyms have very reasonable student prices. KU is currently trying to extend its free sports offering in Ingolstadt.

... about life in Ingolstadt

  • If possible, kindly guide me about the monthly expenses I can expect during my stay as a student in Ingolstadt. 

First information in this direction can be found here.

If you have any further questions on this topic please contact the International Office welcome(at)ku.de

  • I would like to know about the situation of speaking English in Ingolstadt. Do people typically know English or do they rather refuse to speak English?

Ingolstadt is a fairly large town with plenty of English speakers, e.g. working at Audi, and an international atmosphere. Also, many people in Ingolstadt commute for work to Munich, which is very cosmopolitan.

… about miscellaneous topics

  • What should I expect to be doing after I am done with this degree course? Will I get a job and will the University help me with this?

In the field of data science, there is a very high demand in the job market. The Career Center of the KU offers information surrounding internships and career. Moreover, it regularly organizes various workshops and lectures on topics such as job applications.

  • What does the collaboration of the university with Audi, Continental and Airbus mean?

They and numerous other companies in the area appreciate the study program we offer and benefit from good job applicants. To get to know the companies, you can apply for an internship at their places.

Info & Advice

Information about internship

In addition to courses, the program includes an 8-week industrial internship or a research internship at the Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science or in other departments at the KU or other universities.

The KU Career Center provides information on internships in Germany and abroad.

Industrial partners of the Data Science BSc program are:

Student advising

You are welcome to contact the professors involved in the program directly:

Prof. Pfander
Chair of Scientific Computing Prof. Dr. Götz Pfander
Prof. Voigtlaender
Chair of Reliable Machine Learning Prof. Dr. Felix Voigtlaender
Prof. Oliver
Chair of Applied Mathematics Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver
Prof. Ray
Chair of Geomatics and Geomathematics Prof. Dr. Nadja Ray
Prof Janjic
Heisenberg Professorship for Data Assimilation Prof. Dr. Tijana Janjic
Prof. Kreisbeck
Chair of Mathematics - Analysis Prof. Dr. Carolin Kreisbeck
Prof. Stöger
Junior professorship for Data Science Junior Prof. Dr. Dominik Stöger
Prof. Krebs
Chair of Statistics Prof. Dr. Johannes Krebs
Prof. Setzer
Chair for Business Administration and Business Informatics Prof. Dr. Thomas Setzer

Contact persons

Examinations Office

Christina Jadgarow
Administrator at the examinations office
Building Hauptbau | Room: HB-010a
Postal Address
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Prüfungsamt Ingolstadt
Auf der Schanz 49
85049 Ingolstadt
Office hours
By appointment:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday 8.30 am – 11.30 am

Open consultation hours:
Thursday 8.30 am – 11.30 am

The absences of our Examinations Office administrators can be checked in the student portal.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday morning
Daniela Müller-Sättler
Administrator at the examinations office
Building Hauptbau | Room: HB-010a
Postal Address
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Prüfungsamt Ingolstadt
Auf der Schanz 49
85049 Ingolstadt
Office hours
By appointment:
Thursday 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

Open consultation hours:
Tuesday 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Working Hours
Monday to Thursday afternoon

Program spokesperson

Nadja Ray
Prof. Dr. Nadja Ray
Chairholder Geomatik and Geomathematik
Room: HS-207a
Postal Address
Auf der Schanz 49
85049 Ingolstadt

Subject Advisor

Marcel Oliver
Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver
Holder of the chair of Applied Mathematics
Room: GEOG-106
Postal Address
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Hohe-Schul-Straße 5
85049 Ingolstadt

Chairperson Examinations Committee

Marcel Oliver
Prof. Dr. Marcel Oliver
Holder of the chair of Applied Mathematics
Room: GEOG-106
Postal Address
Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Hohe-Schul-Straße 5
85049 Ingolstadt

Student organizations

Student Council/Student Representation

The Data Science student council has been newly founded. You will receive more information shortly.

You can already reach the student council via fg-data-science(at)ku.de

Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science


The BSc program Data Science is part of the new Mathematical Institute for Machine Learning and Data Science.
Learn more about MIDS HERE.