Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Startpage

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KU Floodplain Institute: Five new areas for EU-wide restoration project

The international research project Restore4Life aims to halt the decline of floodplains and coastal wetlands along the Danube and restore these important ecosystems. The KU Floodplain Institute is one of 31 institutions involved in this EU-funded project. Five new project areas in Europe have now been selected to test the effectiveness of previously developed methods at new locations.

© BirdLinks Armenia NGO
KU brings more women into science

Encouraging more women to pursue academic careers: This is the goal of the Women Professors Program that provides funding for gender equality projects. The KU was the only University in Bavaria to be considered in the second selection round of the Women Professors Program 2030.

[Translate to English:] María Rosa Tapia, Programmkoordinatorin von Uniservitate Argentina, bei ihrem Grußwort

Focusing on Service-Learning and Third Mission: International conference launched at the KU

Together with the Social Impact Start-up Academy (SISTAC), the KU opened the Uniservitate conference "Service-Learning Meets Business Education:…

Taxation conference

New impulses for tax science: First conference of KU Research Institute for Taxation

Current challenges and future prospects in the taxation of multinational companies were in the focus of the first international conference of the KU…

[Translate to Englisch:] Internationale Studierende

KU undergoes internationalization audit of German Rectors' Conference

How is the KU positioned in terms of internationalization and where is still room for improvement? The University now addressed these questions as…

[Translate to Englisch:] Prof. Dr. David Streich

Can ChatGPT save our pensions? DFG project investigates use of AI in investment advice

Most people are probably aware of how important private pension plans are. Nevertheless, many people shy away from them – out of ignorance or fear of…

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